A Sculpture Park Tackling Climate Change

Devon Sculpture Park is on a mission. Not only is it developing one of the UK’s more ambitious sculpture parks, on a truly historic estate, but it is becoming a leading voice in tackling climate change.

Its permanent art collection is one of the UK’s larger collections of environmental art – sculpture, installation art and more. It includes a ground breaking 5 acre installation of 25 massive wood biodomes each housing hundreds of creatures while overwintering butterflies and bees, yielding sizable colonies of each.

The sculpture park has dedicated its outdoor and indoor galleries to exhibitions that challenge our thinking around man versus environment and community.

As if this was not enough the sculpture park sits on a hundred acre Rewilding Project. Six years in, this initiative has enabled nature to repair and renew the land, its wildlife and those of us lucky enough to wander through. The wildflower laden parkland with golden grasses shimmering in the sunlight remind us of bygone times. The ancient woodland glades and open scrubland foster vital biodiversity and protect wildlife, insect and birdlife. The Wilded verges are a simple demonstration of how any verge could be kept. This place is an eco-safari park right on our doorstep.

The Capability Brown gardens are one of the first historic gardens in the UK to be truly Wilded following a painstaking four year restoration. They showcase how we could make a difference in our own back yard no matter the size. The gardens lead the way on smaller scale, mass market, natural climate solutions.

The art challenges and provokes us while the Rewilding Project helps to educate us on how such natural climate solutions can save our planet – if we get behind them fast.

The education opportunities at Devon Sculpture Park are far-reaching. Children, parents, adults, researchers and activists all learn here – through the art, the gardens, the guided park tours and the events.

A day out at such a unique place not only helps support the wonderful estate and its content rich, highly topical art programme, but it allows us to get involved in solving our largest shared problem: saving the planet, its unique biodiversity and our very way of life.

Book a Group or School visit by contacting hello@devonsculpturepark.org. Volunteer at the park or simply start your climate journey by joining a 2 hour guided Wilding Tour – CLICK HERE.

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